nthLink Android APKs

Version Release Date Release Note Download Link
6.7.0 2024-12-26 - Added new blocking recovery functionality.
- Bug fixes.
6.6.1 2024-12-23 - Stability improvement.
- Enhanced blocking recovery.
6.6.0 2024-12-16 - Improved security.
- Added diagnotics option for troubleshooting.
6.5.8 2024-11-26 - Improved security.
- Improved stability.
6.5.7 2024-10-27 - Stability improvement.
6.5.6 2024-10-25 - Fixed connection and crashing issues on certain devices.
6.5.5 2024-10-23 - UI bug fixes.
6.5.4 2024-10-22 - Stability improvements.
- Updated to support Android 15.
6.5.3 2024-09-09 - Improved privacy by reducing the risk of canvas and font fingerprinting when visitng websites with the built-in browser.
6.5.2 2024-09-08 - Improved connection stability.
6.5.1 2024-09-05 - Bug fix.
6.5.0 2024-08-14 - Enhanced network discovery capabilities.
- Increased stability and connection speed in challenging and unstable network environments.
6.4.18 2024-07-31 - Fixed connectivity issue for users in certain regions.
6.4.16 2024-07-16 - Bug fixes
6.4.15 2024-07-15 - Automatic update detection
- UI updates
6.4.14 2024-06-28 N/A
6.4.13 2024-06-27 N/A